Sahil is a 5 year old boy who lives and studies in Jama Masjid area's Home Shelter(Rain Basera). His father died few years back and his Mother is a severe drug addict who keeps roaming to different places, leaving Sahil at the Rain Basera. She rarely visits her. Sahil has a 1 year old sister, who is in a really bad state since Sahil's Mother feeds Sahil's sister. So, she has also has come in the horrific influence of drugs via her own mother. Sahil is too small to understand properly his state at the moment, but what he stills wishes, is to become a Doctor when he grows up. Every week Bosco Delhi's Medical Team reaches to the Rain Basera where Sahil along with others live and are being treated by our Medical Team. Our Doctor from the Medical Team is the reason, little Sahil aspires to become a Doctor himself when he grows up. Sahil had suffered from a severe ear infection a few months back to which he was treated successfully by our Medical Team. Perhaps, that reason also helped Sahil add a step to his Dream Ladder to become a Doctor one day.